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Trip Reports: Diver Debbi trip report
Bonaire Talk: Trip Reports: Archives: Archives 2006-2008: Archives - 2006-03-01 to 2006-08-31: Diver Debbi trip report
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By DIVER DEBBI (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #467) on Monday, March 20, 2006 - 10:42 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

well, the wet suits and gear are washed and dry, suitcases put away, tans fading fast, turtlenecks and sweaters on...PBS coming on fast, thank goodness for BT to cure our our Bonaire addiction...heres a trip report for March 1 to 15

WEBCAM- got to visit Bongos and was captured on 3/13 (see topic that monday again) with big sign..could you read it ? Met Cecil for the first time on the beach

ACCOMODATIONS- Sand dollar unit D-19 is excellent , right by the water and check out the new reef balls right in front, when they start building coral and sponge growth they will be excellent site for snorkelers, right now just look like something from Aliens movie. Easy check in and in time for sunset. New ac in living room and dishwasher...pretty quiet at the resort.

DINING- we ate in alot to strech our budget, brought some dried soup mixes and spices, foil packs of tuna, but shopping at all four stores is needed to find what you want, that can be fun. Ate out at Antriol Catering , great fish w/ rice and Bobby Jeans for the rib combo plate. Our tradition is to have the ZeeZicht burger before we leave the island , never fails to please. Lots of new resturants, so little time and so many places.

DIVING did 24 shore dives, first and last at Bari Reef where we got our air package at Sand Dollar. Bari Reef has so many fish and variety, saw yellow baby frog fish(thank you Bill), seahorse, two turtles, octypus and of course that famous Charlie the tarpon at night is still there. Our favorite contiues to be Old Blue and Webers Joy ( what are they doing to the witch's hut ? ) up to dive small wall with Josie, thanks and nice to meet you Natalie..and night dive with Benny and Josie. Vis was not the greatest , some rain and wind conditions, but can always see on the reef. Nice spooted eagle ray at Andrea I..lots of new homes being built here, hope that dos'nt become a closed gate community and eliminate another shore site .

GETTIN AROUND-got our "divemobile" from Netty..she is always there at the airport for pick-up and drop -off and the price is right. Boy ! gas has gotten expensive on the island, what else is new..

GETTING TO BONAIRE- used ff miles on AA HArtford, Ct to Curaco and then took Div Divi from Curaco. I LOVE DIVI DIVI ! they took our bags with no restrictions and a short sweet flight. Ask if you can sit with the pilot for a great experience ..WOW take off and landing on the island and over the water beautiful from that vantage point. I tried not to touch anything !

EVERYTHING ELSE used ChatN'Browse Hi to Michael who is always helpful and remebers all of us.The yacht of MicroSoft's Paul Allen, was in port and we just wanted to go up and "chat", but now the town pier is restricted by gates...used to like to walk to the end of the pier with our Lovers ice cream cone for evening entrtainment..alas things change. What happened to statue of Mary up at Sera Largu..she is missing..anybody know ? Had to have a root canal while there, Dr. Eric Hagens downtown office was very good to see me on short notice, and I was able to continue my diving..Thank God.
Thats it for another wonderful trip to Bonaire camera this year, so no photos, just relaxing and reading and diving...perfect !


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Susan Taft (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #626) on Monday, March 20, 2006 - 2:32 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Debbi and Adam welcome home to the coldest weather we have had this winter! I leave for Bonaire in just under 4 weeks and am using the same connections that you did. Looking forward to all of it!! Glad you had a good time.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Cecil used to be on Bonaire (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #4550) on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 11:20 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Debbi it was a pleasure meeting you guys, quite by chance. I was going to get a wheelbarrow for the dive gear for a night dive when I saw you all. I saw your sign and knew what you were there for. If you look at the capture my timing was off a bit as the cam was changing the capture time again.


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