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Trip Reports: Brian & Shannon Thomas 1st trip report
Bonaire Talk: Trip Reports: Archives: Archives 2006-2008: Archives - 2005-12-26 to 2006 -03-01: Brian & Shannon Thomas 1st trip report
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Brian Thomas (BonaireTalker - Post #12) on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 8:22 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

All right here we go Brian and Shannon’s first Bonaire trip report. Bare with me, as this is my first. Well are trip began great and ended with a disaster, I will explain later. First I would like to thank Kelly Baum for talking us into going to Bonaire and telling us about the Island.

On 2-10-06 the day had come, we left are children Garrett-four years old and Audrey-18 month old. This was very hard especially we have never left them for a week. We also left behind our other 2 babies my Rottweilers Kodiak and Zara. We boarded are early bird Continental flight from Columbus Ohio to Houston and to the beautiful land of Bonaire. I am not much on flying but the flight went great. This was our first flight that long over water.

We arrived in Bonaire and begin to exit the plane and then the heat wave how great it was. We were leaving Columbus with 30-degree temperatures. We then meet Renee of the Golden Reef Inn and she assisted us in getting my truck with A&B rental. This process went very smooth. My wife and I get the truck and I realize it is a standard. I then get nervous because I haven’t driven a standard for about 12 years. We then headed for our condo near Bachelors beach. During the drive and for a few days I believe my wife got whiplash, this was not even close to the injury she endured and the scare of our life. We arrive at are condo Renee began explaining everything and I was becoming impatient (no offense Renee) I had diving to do.

Renee left I then began rushing my wife to unpack and gather our gear because I had a third wind now. We needed to get to our check out dive by 0930. Renee gave us directions to Wannadive, however it still took over an hour to find. I guess I should have listed a little closer, but the old selective hearing must’ve kicked in. We never did find the one Renee explained to us by the government office until later in the week. We drove and we drove finally finding one on some side street to find out it wasn’t the one we needed. We then locate Eden Beach and there it was Wannadive. I go to the office and I meet Paul. Paul was very nice and helpful. He explained things to me and I advised him that this is the first trip to the ocean and we were a little nervous. I asked him if he knew of anyone that would be willing to dive with us the first time. Then a man came to me saying he would dive with us. This is where we met Sal and Judy from Maryland, they were such great people. I then run to get my wife out of the truck while she is guarding our equipment like a hawk. We gather are big brand-new dive bags like morons because we brought them with us not knowing. I know they were laughing inside saying ah the new divers. We suit up Sal explains the dive and off we go. I was so excited I probably ran in. We begin the descent and then of course I can’t clear my ears. I waste half my air trying to clear. Finally they clear and we are ready to go. I was amazed with what we were seeing at Eden Beach but not knowing what we had in store when we dove the other sites. The dive was done and we ascended to get some advice from Sal and we depart.

Now feeling comfortable we grab 2 more tanks and head for Windsock. Now truly amazed, I was in love. Everything went well, we even returned to the spot where we descended. This was one of our fears that we would ascend and not be close to the truck. After the overnight flight and 2 dives we were starting to feel it and thought it would be time to clean up and get something to eat. We clean up and head for Pasa Bon. The pizza was very good. This was all that we could do for day 1 so off to bed we went.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Brian Thomas (BonaireTalker - Post #13) on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 8:28 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

It’s Sunday (day2), rise and shine we get up then head for 1000 Steps. Not as bad as I thought. Great dive didn’t see anything unusual because with total amazement we swam across and back not looking deep into things. After a few dives we catch on and realize stop and look. We then head to Karpata, once again amazed at the sights we were seeing. After some surface time we decided on one more dive and we headed to "Jeff Davis Memorial" for are last dive of the day. We find our first Anemone among many other things. That night we decided to try Casablanca for dinner. I ordered the filet mignon and my wife the land and sea. This consisted of filet mignon topped with 2 jumbo shrimp. I am a very picky eater and not one to try new things; I’m a meat and potato guy. They bring out with what I thought was something funky on my red wine and pepper steak. Yes, I did try it and WOW was it good. The service was excellent there.

Monday morning (Day 3) Pat and Mary Murphy picked Shannon and I up for are fishing trip. Again thank you Kelly for introducing us to Pat and Mary they are awesome people. We then head to the pier bright and early at 0640 to meet Capt. Chris, Vince and Mary Depietro. We headed out fishing, but first we needed to catch some bait. The trip was scheduled for ¾ of a day, which was 8 hours. During this 8 hr trip I only caught one measly black fin tuna approximately 3 lbs. This didn’t occur until the last hour. Pat and Mary were kill’em, they were catching more than anyone. Shannon sets the hook thinking she had one, only to learn she snagged the other lines. What a mess this was. We were all getting impatient when finally one of the of the bigger rods dropped. Vince grabs the rod, reeling and reeling (by his actions we thought he had a whale) and brings in a pretty good size Barracuda. Although that was the biggest fish of the day it was a great time. We got to meet some really great people and were able to see the island from the boat. We did see a Marlin; I really wanted to catch that one. We also saw about 10 Dolphins jumping around the Salt Works. After the fishing expedition we headed into town. We stopped by Gibi’s to get reservations for Tuesday. We tried to get Gibi to put our meal on Kelly Baum’s’ tab, only to learn she doesn’t have one. We then head into town because my wife had to shop for things to bring home for the kids. Garrett (4) stated he wanted a shirt with a crab on it. We did find this for him. I went along, but boy was I itching to get back into the water. The shopping experience was ok; the islanders are very nice and not pushy to buy things. We had a bad experience with that on our honeymoon 9 years ago. Dinnertime, wife wanted Italian, so we head to Capriccios. Now remember I am a picky eater and I hate ONIONS. I ordered Spaghetti, thinking I can’t go wrong with that and Shannon ordered Lasagna. The dinner came and my spaghetti had chunks of tomatoes (yuck) and then the biggest rings of onions I have ever seen. I thought I would die, and then I begin my scavenger hunt for the noodles and noodles only. Thank goodness for the bread or I might have starved. Shannon’s was very good. We then decided to walk the downtown area. Again I would like to say how truly nice the islanders were there, and always greeting you.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Brian Thomas (BonaireTalker - Post #14) on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 8:35 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

It is now 0600 in the morning Tuesday 2-14-06 (day 4) we are ready to go diving. We decided that we were going to dive as much as possible today without compromising our safety. We decided to start off the day by diving “The Lake”. Wow, how sweet is the double Reef. My ears are now clearing much easier. There we saw a Barracuda, French Angels some Spotted Moray’s. Sticking out of some rock we see these antenna’s looking things. Wanting to see what it was, we swim closer and see a huge lobster. Our next dive of the day was the “Invisibles”. Again we liked this because of the double reef. With some surface time we discussed our next sight and decided to go to the other end of the island. For dive 3 and 4 we decided on “Witches Hut” then we headed to “Oil Slick”. We loved “Oil Slick”; we loved the fact that there is so much to see in the shallower water. You can dive the reef and then come up to 20 feet and waste your air still seeing tons of neat stuff. In a cave below the ladder I saw a good size Porcupine fish. Very hungry after 4 dives, We decided to get lunch at Whatta Burger, one word “Yummy.” We decided that our bodies could handle one more dive so we chose to dive “Something Special”. During our explorations I could feel the exhaustion setting in. I motioned for Shannon that I was tired and we started our ascent. Five dives really take a toll on you.
We headed off for dinner at Gibi’s. We meet a lot of nice people. I met Bill otherwise known as “Superturtle”and his wife Karen. Karen and I carried on a nice conversation “A.” Also I met Margarit and Kelly you haven’t. We than met Cam, thanks Kelly for introducing us. Cam invited Shannon and I for a night dive Wednesday night at “Buddy’s Reef”. I ordered the Wahoo. I really wanted the roasted chicken. There were only 2 orders of this and wife and another women (Sorry forgot your name) from Alabama ordered the only 2 chickens. The meal was very good and tasty. Thank you Gibi for the great food and the chance to meet new people. All Yea, I did get to see my friend Kelly while we there and eat my dinner with a part of her. HA HA!

Then Wednesday (day 5) we slept in awhile and decided that we would not do 5 dives again. We meet up with Pat and Mary at their very nice condo at “LBR”. We headed to “Jennie’s Glory”. This seemed like the longest swim to where we were going to descend. Shannon and I thought we were going to die, but worth it. I finally got to see an Eagle Ray I had been looking for all week. We also were lucky enough to see 2 Scorpionsfish. If it wasn’t for Shannon I would have thought it was a rock. We then go and visit with Pat and Mary to have a Coke and eat some GOUDA cheese and Crackers (We did bring a block of cheese home to Ohio). We love the cheese! Pat and Mary again thank you for your hospitality, I really hope we can do it again. Even though you are a Fireman Pat.

We then go to the beach area at “Windsock” so my wife could get some sun. I’m not much on sun bathing so I decided I would snorkel. There I saw a Barracuda, it seemed like it was stalking me. Oh how Spooky they are, hovering and starring at you. I saw a school of Blue Tangs take off and I knew something was around. Of course a Barracuda, I was actually hoping for a Shark. We then head for a cheap meal from Subway before the night dive. We then go to Buddies dive to meet with Cam and group for the night dive. Cam, Thank you for allowing us to join your group because my wife would not have went with out someone with us. I wish we could have done more than the night dive. The night dive was great of what I got to see. We saw Charlie the Tarpon, 2 turtles sleeping. We were pretty excited we wanted to see turtles. We wanted to see them swimming, but I am ok with them sleeping. By that time I was at 1500 and had to turn around. I love to suck down the air. Shannon and I leave the group to start heading back. Shannon is now a little worried because it was just us and it was now black. Shannon begins going up the reef to soon. I tried telling her, but she kept going. Instead of arguing with her underwater I followed her. We come up about 100 yards away and she says were not in the right spot. I told her I know and that I tried telling her but she kept going. I am just happy she went on the night dive, because before she wasn’t doing it. We go back down and swim back in the shallows didn’t see much, but I could say is thank you Shannon for going with me. Then I learned we missed out on the Octopus and the Coral Blooming. Oh well, we will do it again one day. Again Thank you Cam.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Brian Thomas (BonaireTalker - Post #15) on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 8:36 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Now the end is near, it is Thursday (day 6) it is our last day of diving. We went back to “The Lake” because we really enjoyed the double Reef. We saw a sea cucumber and my lobster friend again. I then went to exit the water and slipped and fell, this is where I met a Sea Urchin up close and personnel in my left little finger (Ouch). Having nothing to get the spines out we go to Pat’s place since we were so close. We ask to borrow a needle and tweezers so my wife could practically kill me by digging into my finger. Thanks for your hospitality Pat. All better now, we then head to “Andrea 1”. We saw a lot of Barracuda, Spotted Morays, a Golden Spotted Eel and a huge Parrotfish. We ended our day of diving at “Oil Slick” our favorite dive site. This dive we stayed shallow and stayed down for 61 minutes. Most of are dives were 30 to 40 minutes because I love air. Shannon always had a lot more air left than I did. I noticed we had been down for 52 minutes and boy did I have to go to the bathroom. I was not coming up until I had 60 minutes. We then head for Richards. The food was awesome and what a amazing beautiful view. I begin eating tons of bread like I did at every meal. I ordered the filet mignon once again. I wish I could cook like that. We took some great pictures of some crabs on the shore and of course the beautiful sunset. Our sunset pictures turned out great. Richards is a must dinner night. We then went to town again and walked around. We then enjoyed a night of music, I couldn’t understand, but it was really enjoyable. Again the Islanders very polite.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Brian Thomas (BonaireTalker - Post #16) on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 8:38 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Now it is Friday (day 7) the sightseeing day. Ok let’s get one thing straight, the Island was absolutely awesome we enjoyed every minute of it until day 7. We began our morning around 0615 and headed south. We watched the sunrise and took great pictures of the sunrise and the lighthouse. We visited the slave huts and continued around and saw the Flamingos. We stop at the Lost Penguin for breakfast, this was very good and the service was great. We also ate lunch there on Thursday. We now continue North to the beautiful homes there, we dreamed of one being ours. We then continued onto the Flamingo Sanctuary to see some more flamingos. We continued on dodging Lizards and head to Washington Park area. We didn’t go into the park; we were told it was a all day trip so we decided to do it when we get to come back. We begin to continue back toward town and dodge some more lizards. We then seen the Ocean again and the surge, very pretty so we stop at the Indian Inscriptions. We wanted the perfect picture. The curiosity and stupidity set in. We walk up to the edge approximately 5ft away from the edge. We begin taking pictures of the water coming halfway up, but not on top. The thought crossed my mind about the water coming up, but I didn’t think it would. I then stand with my back to the water and my wife gets a picture of the splash coming up behind me. Picture was beautiful. It was now her turn. I get a picture and no splash. I then try to take another one and what I imagined happen. The wave came up and over Shannon and I did not see her. I went running after her falling on the rock cutting my wrist and arm up. I get up not seeing my wife because the water had not receded back yet. The water was gone and she was lodged in some rock on top of the cliff holding on for dear life. I was so scared I thought I lost my high school sweet heart and the love of my life. She had cuts all over both feet and legs. Shannon’s left foot is swollen she has lost her shoe on her left foot, a earring and sunglasses. She is telling me she cannot get up to walk. I tell here we have to get out of the path of the next wave. She gets up and the seat of her pants is ripped out and has scratches on her butt. She begins to hop on her foot with the shoe and I get her to the truck. She was a trooper and endured the pain to get to safety. We go back to are room to clean up and for Shannon to change her pants before going to the hospital. We go to the hospital very different, but the doctors and nurses were very nice. Then we were told about a couple that was doing the same thing not to long ago. We were told the wife did not make it. Thank god Shannon did not fall off the edge, there would have been no possible way for me to get her or even for her to survive the fall. The Surgeon wanted to do surgery, but Shannon would not allow it. They put a splint on her foot to get her home. I still can’t get over how cheap the bill was. We have never been so scared in our life. You don’t realize how precious life is or someone is until something like this happens. Shannon and I laugh about it now and she swears she saw the light. No doubt in my mind that she didn’t see the light. It was a hard lesson learned we know now not to ever get that close. This did not scare us away from Bonaire or from diving we will be back one day. We will face are fear again, but very far back. Then pickup on are sight seeing from where we left off. There was still more we wanted to see, but ended short.

Then Saturday came. We were sad to leave but ready to see the children. Again flew on Continental. The people were great and accommodated Shannon very well. Wanted to get her first class but it was full.

We are now home everything is well. Shannon is still in some pain, but I am so glad she is still with me.

Bonaire was great and would love to come back soon. I have been on several vacations and have always been ready and glad to be home. However, I really miss Bonaire.

Our stay with Liz was nice and clean. We had one problem with a lock on a door. Ed came right over to fix it. Sorry we didn’t get to meet you Liz. It was a little strange not seeing grass, but I liked it because I hate mowing.

Thank you everyone and to all the people we have meet. Especially Kelly Baum for getting me hooked on Bonaire. Now just have to get past the Bonaire withdrawals.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Brian Thomas (BonaireTalker - Post #17) on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 8:39 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

I hope everyone enjoyed our trip report and I didn't ramble.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Back to Jeanine, or is it Tribs? (Extraordinary BonaireTalker - Post #2129) on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 8:44 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

WOW! What a trip report. I was sitting here reading it almost as you posted it (I'm supposed to be grading tests, but your report was so much better).

Why did they want to do surgery? Did she have to get surgery when you got home? She is one lucky woman.

Wow...did I say that already?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Brian Thomas (BonaireTalker - Post #18) on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 8:50 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

On Monday we went to the surgeon here and he advised she did not need surgery. He just put her in a air cast shoe and said she will need it on for 4 weeks.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Gail Thomas (Extraordinary BonaireTalker - Post #1004) on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 9:07 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Wow Brian. Good report. I'm glad Shannon will be fine, and you had the chance to fall in love with Bonaire. :-)


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By jOHN (BonaireTalker - Post #16) on Sunday, February 26, 2006 - 9:42 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Thanks for the report Brian. Informative,interesting,exciting and above all, a happy outcome. God Bless !


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Cheryl Ferguson (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #267) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 2:06 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Brian, my eyes were glued to the screen! I'm so glad that Shannon is ok ..... what a nightmare that must have been.

I am amazed at how much you did in such a short period of time!

You've also answered my question about Charlie...I had wondered where he went as he was not at the Divi (first met him in 2003 ..scared the you-know-what out of us!!)

Thanks for a great trip report .... and you're right .... that darn 'ol PBD really sucks!! Three cheers for Kelly, she was a great help to us as well!!!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Cecil (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #4486) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 9:18 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Great report Brian. A real joy to read. I'm glad you did lose your sweetheart, the west side waves are wicked dangerous.

Now the downside, I'm afraid you guys are hooked and will be back.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Tom (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #3101) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 9:36 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Brian, thank you for this most complete trip report. I am happy that Shannon will be okay.

When is the next trip?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Ron Gould (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #437) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 10:05 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Great report Brian, Glad everything truned out well for ya... Thanks for shairing... Ron


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Vince DePietro (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #233) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 10:56 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Brian..Enjoyed meeting you on the fishing expedition & great report. I was however shocked to read what subsequently happened to Shannon. I hope all is well with the 2 of you now so you can return to Bonaire in the future & the incident did not leave a bad taste in your mouth. . Sometimes we can get seduced by the inherent beauty of the island & it's underwater life. This is especially true underwater. I'm sure you learned a very important lesson of not letting your guard down. Bad things can & do happen. I'm so glad that Shannon's injuries weren't really serious.

Vince & Nina

P.S. We posted some pix of our "fishing" trip over in "everything else Bonaire" - take a look.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Kelly Baum (GDLW) (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #3822) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 12:29 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Wowwww what GREAT report! I already knew what happened and I was still glued to the screen!!

It was so great to talk to you in person and see your pictures. Being excited about Bonaire is contagious for sure !!

Now we have to plan our dinner with you and Shannon so Steve can see the pictures, too.

I'm so happy you two had fun (in spite of that freak accident!).... but I KNEW you would.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Brian Thomas (BonaireTalker - Post #19) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 1:20 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Vince I first want to apologize I don't know why I thought your wife's name was Mary as I wrote in my report. There is definitely no bad taste we will definitely return, but how soon I don't know. I promised Garrett a trip to Disney when Audrey gets older. Now If I can get Kelly to pay for me to go with her, I will Come sooner. I know Kelly I have to wait for Steve to come to, I'm not allowed to just go with you.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Kelly Baum (GDLW) (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #3825) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 1:26 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Brian.... funny.... I just like Shannon better ! :-)


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Superturtle (Extraordinary BonaireTalker - Post #2033) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 2:14 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Brian, that is quite the report!! Sorry to hear about Shannon's mishap....... Are you sure you didn't ask her to step back a little bit, for a better picture?? - Just kidding!! Glad she is recovering, without the need for surgery!

It was great meeting you both at Gibi's. Glad you enjoyed the night dive as well!! And, glad you too are hooked on Bonaire!!

:-) Bill :-) (and Karen)


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By DARLENE ELLIS (Extraordinary BonaireTalker - Post #1984) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 3:28 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Brian, Thank for sharing the great trip report. Sorry to hear of your wife's mishap. It must have been so scarry. I am glad that she is ok and recovering now!!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By The Ginocchio's @ Golden Reef Inn (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #991) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 6:26 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post


Great report!!!! When Shannon's mom called I ran over to the townhouses, but you were not there, then I ran to the hospital, not there... I was so worried. I emailed Kelly...AHHHHHHHHH...I was so worried. I am sorry that I couldn't get over to see you guys, we will definitely meet in person next time you are on Bonaire. Actually Ed has me chained to the desk in the office, anyone out there got a hacksaw??? LOL...great report and I'm so glad Shannon is ok.



Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Brian Thomas (BonaireTalker - Post #20) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 7:27 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Liz we were there we got back around there, I think around 600pm we might had the lights out watching tv.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Grasshopper (BonaireTalk Deity - Post #17118) on Monday, February 27, 2006 - 8:18 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Brian, glad you and Shannon had a great trip, despite the fact of Shannon's accident. I'm sure that must have been very scary indeed. Glad all is OK:-)


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