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Trip Reports: Tami Part two
Bonaire Talk: Trip Reports: Archives: Archives 2006-2008: Archives - 2005-12-26 to 2006 -03-01: Tami Part two
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Tami Lamb (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #127) on Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 1:43 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

I am slipping these in quickly while I am at work- so they are short. Sorry folks. And until my husband decided WHICH program he needs to make his digital pictures really spiffy (He has several and they are all downloaded on several different computers)- no pictures. But for right now- how about where we ate?
1st night- Pasa Bon Pizza- need I say more? We LOOOOVE Chicago style pizza- but THIS was excellent as well. The crust was just the right amount of crispy.
By the way- as we checked through the airport (and they were xraying everyone going IN TO Bonaire- what- looking for contraband...meat? What? They stopped when the line got too long and just waived us all through- so the message is...if you are smuggling- get at the end of the line.)- the new restaurant looked very nice- wonderful big bar and lovely ambiance. I would have liked to have looked it over more but I was trying to get change for the telephone AND not loose my three enormous bags while Mike got the rental. Nothing like backing through a door to keep eyes on luggage. I'm sure that the bar people thought I was nuts. The VERY nice guard at the airport actually called Sorobon for me to let them know that we wouldn't be there right away.
2nd night. (We stopped and bought breakfast and lunch stuff at cultimara. Evidently Pepsi doesn't have a chance on the island- all the Pepsi stuff was stuck on the ends of the aisles on sale. People- don't forget your shopping bags- we always do and then have to carry everything out clutched to our tourist breasts while the locals pretend not to see how ignorant we are. Luckily we saw earlier that there would be NOT liquor sales for 24 hours - Friday midnight through Saturday because of the elections. They wanted to avoid alcohol induced trouble. You know that in the states that would have only STARTED a riot!! So we stocked up on adult beverages.
That evening we ate at It Rains Fishes. Wahoo with mustard sauce- always good. I know that sometimes service is a problem and they were certainly busy- but the owner was himself waiting on us (the very tall man who looks like he is still in high school- right?) And everything was great. (We only made reservations once for any restaurant- and even then no one was very impressed. I never saw a big crowd waiting anywhere.)
Then we hit the Sugarbird at the Sorobon because we weren't sure that the liquor ban would apply to restaurants as well. Its always nice to give your custom to the home place.
Ate at Richards- wahoo again. His food is always good and we do like to go there. It was very busy but we didn't feel as if we were waiting too long. They certainly kept up with our water glasses! Richard himself was hopping and doing everything- bussing, barkeeping, everything.
We had icecream at Lovers once (I had the Rum raisin- never had before. It was yummy.)
Swiss Chalet was Sunday. We were there last year and I was really looking forwards to it. I have to cross it off my list now. Susie was nice, but things were just a little off....we had cheese fondue and it tasted funny- it the bottom of it we found a bunch of little scallops- (which actually didn't taste too bad- but if I had been allergic to seafood I would have been really upset.)She was busy so we didn't make a big issue of it.
Monday we took a group and went to Den Leman- which evidently has re-opened. Someone at the Sorobon had been there the night before and was not too thrilled with it but we thought that the service was good and the food good. They really shred their lettuce though!!(It was kind of like a little wad of kleenex in the bowl once you got dressing on it.) More wahoo- this time with a parmesian crust. The bad part- this was where the skeeters really had a feast- I had more bites on my feet that anywhere else we went- and I had put stuff on!!!
We did eat at the rib factory for lunch ONE day(that's all the fancy lunches I got)- if was good- but I would say- do not have a cheeseburger- the meat is just not like the US- have the mixed plate and eat some of the barbeque- THAT was great!!!Plus the lovely fresh fries- Bonaire must not be bowing to the bleeding heart everything-in-vegetable-oil school yet. I am willing to bet that its all fried in lard. That's what makes those fries taste so good. (That's what made Macdonalds fries so famous you know.) And the mayo for wonder I gained weight on this trip.....
Last night- we ate at Chibi-Chibi's. They were pretty busy and they told us when we went in that they only had two waitresses. You could tell. Everything was pretty slow- but the food was abundant and pretty good. (I had the chicken curry- tired of wahoo by then.) I had enough time to flick all my peas and carrots over the side to the fish.

Next up- the weather and the dives.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Peter Brown (New BonaireTalk Poster - Post #1) on Tuesday, February 7, 2006 - 7:45 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Love the detail, Tami, but tell me about the Sorobon (as I might actually go there).


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