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Trip Reports: Trip Report: Musings
Bonaire Talk: Trip Reports: Archives: Archives 2006-2008: Archives - 2005-12-26 to 2006 -03-01: Trip Report: Musings
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Bill Perkins (BonaireTalker - Post #92) on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 8:12 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Cindy and I just returned from 16 days of diving at Bonaire. One of our sons joined us for the last eight days. Here are some musings:
THE DONKEYS: For those of you who don't know, donkey milk baths are now offered at posh resorts in Europe. They're very expensive and supposed to do wonders for the skin not to mention the libido. Anyway, I predicted back in February that we could expect to see the wild donkeys disappear at investors captured them. During our 16 days on the island we saw no more than five donkeys. I'm glad I bought two back in February. I'm shocked at how much they've gone up on value. I considered selling but think the price will continue to go up up up.
THE LIZARDS: While the donkey population is diminishing, the lizard population is exploding. The first time I drove to Karpata and saw all the lizards on the road waiting until the last minute to dart off the asphalt, I thought maybe they were playing a game of risk--the winner would be the lizard who remained on the road the longest before running to safety. And then I went to Washington park. After a dive there, while removing my wetsuit, hundreds of lizards approached the pickup. I tossed a tiny piece of a protein bar in the middle of the pack and the fastest grabbed it and ran off. As I fed the lizards it occurred to me that I had misinterpreted their road action. They weren't playing risk. No way! The lizards of Bonaire have been unwittingly tamed by the tourists. They see a truck coming down the road and think it will stop and feed them. That's why they remain on the road so long. Too late they realize the truck won't stop. Sadly, thousands of they die every year under the tires of a Toyoto. I think someone should open a lizard refuge for these wild creatures that add to the wonder of the island.
THE MOSQUITOES: These blood suckers love me and hate my wife. I still itch from the many drill holes on my arms, neck, back, and ankles. She escaped without a single red spot. For those of you who are victims of the little vampires, I've got some good news. A friend of mine who has lived on Bonaire for 12 years said eventually she became immune to mosquitoes. That truth led me to offer this advice to anyone who gets eaten alive by the buzzers. Don't try to protect yourself from them. Don't put on Deet. Don't wear pants or long sleeved shirts or hats. Go where you know you'll be bitten and let them cover you like white on rice. While this may cause short term discomfort, it will speed up the immune process and help you in the long run. You may be thinking, this is stupid. Well, I can assure you neither Deet, nor clothing, nor hats, nor shoes, nor alertness, nor a mosquitoes net kept them off me. So why not take the equivalent of a small pox vaccination and just immunize yourself by a massive exposure? It actually makes sense.
MORE MUSINGS: I've got more to say, but don't want to overwhelm you with too long a post lest you not read it all.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Marcus L. Barnes (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #440) on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 8:33 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Still own the donkeys? I thought for sure you would have unloaded them by now. Just curious Bill, did you expirience any o ring problems while on Bonaire?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Bill Perkins (BonaireTalker - Post #93) on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 9:15 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

No o ring problems. I've had a lot of offers for the donkeys, but I'm holding out. We had some wonderful dives. The most surprising occurred on Christmas morning. We dove at Buddy Reef at sunrise. I've never done a sunrise dive before. And I've never seen so many eels swimming around hunting. We saw three or four hunting and at least four more with their head sticking out of a hole. Plus three snake eels, a scorpion fish, a turtle and a crab.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Vince DePietro (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #164) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 7:21 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

What, no partride in a pear tree?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Gloria Kehoe (New BonaireTalk Poster - Post #1) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 10:23 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Hi all,
I'm new to this board, new to diving (12 dives so far) and will be going to Bonaire on Jan. 27th. I'm very excited and reading your posts jazzes me up even more however I do have some concerns that some of you may be able to help me with.
1. We're staying at the Harbor Village Beach Club, any comments or advice?
2. We haven't yet reserved a vehicle. We were thinking we could do it through the hotel. Is this okay or will we have a hard time getting one?
3. Are the bugs really as bad as I'm expecting. I'm used to some mosquitoes but it sounds like it's really bad. Are there noseeums as well?
4. Will there be sea lice? I know nothing about sea lice but it sounds like something I don't want to experience.
Anything you guys can offer to this first timer will be greatly appreciated.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By stephen monn (New BonaireTalk Poster - Post #4) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 10:58 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Hi Gloria. Hope you have a great time on your first trip to this lovely place. I have been on Bonaire about 5-6 different occasions now and though I am new to BT, I am surprised at the comments I have read re: mosquitos. Though I and my family have had some ankle itch on occasion after a day at the beach, I really cannot say I have EVER considered mosquitos a real issue. Remember, this is a desert island, and though there are of course some areas of standing water in which the little buggers can breed, it is not a hot spot for mosquito sex. As for the cars, we have generally rented after our arrival at Flamingo airport, and without a problem. However, as with many other aspects of "making the vacation go smoothly", you would likely be best off arranging for a vehicle before you arrive. Try Netty's car rental; I just got online last night and arranged for our van rental for Feb. 2006 and really will be more relaxed knowing it is already dealt with. Posts on BT have given her good reviews. Never stayed at the Harbor Village Beach Club - cannot comment. Sea lice? Is there such a thing? Do they have big teeth? Eat small children? Good travelling.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Debbie Babcock (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #2672) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 11:24 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Hi Gloria, Welcome to BT! You probably would get more responses to your questions if you post them under "Everything Else Bonaire" or for your question on Harbor Village, post under "Accommodations" You can also do a search on the bottom of the page for mosquitos and sea lice and come up with all kinds of info as both have been discussed extensively here. I am sure you will enjoy Harbor Village, it is very nice. I have been going to Bonaire for over 12 years and mosquitos are not so much a problem at certain times of the year, then a real bother at others. I use Deet and have no problems and yes, there are no-seeums too, but some folks are magnets for them and some it doesn't seem to bother. As far a vehicle rental, you are going in high season, so I would suggest you reserve ahead of time, only so many vehicles on island and you don't want to be without for your trip. I use Budget, Netty's is also good, as there are so many to choose from, everyone has their favorite rental agency you will find. Everts is a good one too.
I have never seen sea lice, but there are certain times of the month I hear they are there, something like 8-10 days after a full moon if I recollect, if night diving, do not shine your light as you surface, as they are attracted to the light. I never had an encounter with them, if that helps and I dive, snorkel, night snorkel etc., but I am know they do exist, most dive shops know when they are around and will tell you.
Neither the mosquitos or sea lice have ever kept me from having a great time on Bonaire. After a lot of rain, mosquitos are more a pain, just like here. Take lots of bug spray and you should be fine. Enjoy your vacation. :-)


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Cyn (BonaireTalk Deity - Post #15970) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 11:46 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Bill, good report so far. I say hold on to the donkey's until the price is at it's peak then sell. Kind of like the housing market. Heck, tell folks they are California Donkeys and maybe the price will go even higher like housing out here has.

Lizards, Marina does have some at the Donkey Sanctuary, I guess she may need to expand that portion if they are getting in trouble hounding tourists for food.

Mosquitos, why not just move to Bonaire, that way you will get bit constantly and eventually become immune, sounds like the best way to me.

O-rings....well, what can I say. I'm sorry you didn't experience any o-ring disasters...maybe next time?

Gloria, welcome to BT. Debbie is right, go to Everything Else and at the bottom of the page click on "Create New Conversation" and copy and paste your above post. You'll get lots of responses. I also suggest doing some keyword searches on areas that you still have questions about. There is a plethera of info out there on your questions.

Click your ruby red slippers 3 times here to get to "Everything Else" Gloria

Debbie, it's the sea wasps that come out 10 days give or take after the full moon. I think there have only been a couple reports of sea lice over the years, and they weren't confirmed:-)

Now, back to Bill's trip report:-)


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Gloria Kehoe (New BonaireTalk Poster - Post #3) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 11:57 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

I took your advice guys & gals. Thanks.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Jamie Barber (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #142) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 2:27 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post


The sea lice covered us all over when we were there last. Millions of them. They have these sharp hooklike things that help them hold on while they suck your blood. They're about three inches long or so, but I think the eggs they lay in your skin are very small. Here's a photo...
Blood sucking monster


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Cyn (BonaireTalk Deity - Post #15973) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 2:38 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post were you there last and what sites did they cover you in millions?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Bill Perkins (BonaireTalker - Post #97) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 2:48 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

They sure have big eyes. Looks like it sucked the life out of that bug.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Jamie Barber (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #143) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 3:08 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Actually, now that I think about it it was back in the thirties but that was before the great sealice eradication program of '53. Course I'm not entirely sure cause them buggers like to suck on brain matter (see above photo).


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Jamie Barber (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #144) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 3:09 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

HA! That was funny!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Ron Myers (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #228) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 7:49 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Bill---una mas Polar, por favor? Love your musings! I spent all of last May in Bonaire and the last week was when the bugs ATE ME ALIVE! I looked like a poster boy for measles awareness week.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Bill Perkins (BonaireTalker - Post #98) on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 11:49 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Ron, great image. I got back on the 26th and I'm still itching and scratching. Not once did I actually see one of the blood suckers drawing my blood. When I did manage to kill one that was sleeping on the mosquito net I celebrated as though I had just won the Heisman. Revenge is sweet. What amazes me is that my wife never gets bitten. Looking back I realize I should have brought a pint of blood and just carried it with me and poured a little into a plate when I slept. Maybe they would have gone for that and left me alone.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By kim reilly (New BonaireTalk Poster - Post #3) on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 1:41 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Hi Gloria
My husband & I are arriving on Jan 27 for our first trip to Bonaire also! Hope to meet you. Are you flying to Bonaire via San Juan? If so perhaps we'll see you @ the airport. Yippeeeee, only 27 days to go!!!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Gloria (New BonaireTalk Poster - Post #7) on Tuesday, January 3, 2006 - 10:12 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Hi Kim,
I'm flying on Continental so I'll be flying via Houston. Like you I'm counting the days! Only 24 to go!


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