BonaireTalk Discussion Group
Trip Reports: Snorkeling Palau
Bonaire Talk: Trip Reports: Archives: Archives 2000 to 2005: Archives - 2004-02-06 to 2004-07-31: Snorkeling Palau
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Mermaid (BonaireTalker - Post #27) on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 8:59 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Hi Folks,

I wonder if anyone has visited Palau? How does it compare to Bonaire?



Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Debbie Crosby (New BonaireTalk Poster - Post #6) on Saturday, May 8, 2004 - 3:14 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

There's no way to compare Bonaire to Palau. I have dived both places as well as did a day of snorkeling on Palau. There is a way to dive/snorkel from shore only near Sam's Dive shop (which I would never recommend that shop to use for your diving needs due to their arrogance thinking they are the only and best dive shop in the world!) Bonaire being the shore diving capital of the world is so easy and inexpensive to dive. Where in Palau, you have to go by boat to most sites and the cost runs about $45 a dive. Palau does have a cool kayaking program - where they load up kayaks on a boat and take you to some of the far reaches of the islands and drop the kayaks in the water and let you snorkel from the kayaks. You can see mandarin fish, large clams,manta rays,sharks, as well as bird watch this way. You can also visit jellyfish lake where you snorkel through millions of stingless jellyfish. Cost is about $90 for about 4 hours with a guide. You have to do everything with a guide on Palau - compared to self-diving/snorkeling on Bonaire. I would recommend Fish and Fins dive shop over Sam's for your needs. There is an inexpensive hotel chain called West Plaza Hotel/Malakal that is a short walk from the dive shops. Good luck!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By seb schulherr (Extraordinary BonaireTalker - Post #1529) on Saturday, May 8, 2004 - 11:21 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

I thought jellyfish lake was gone now.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Freddie Hughes (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #4864) on Sunday, May 9, 2004 - 10:14 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

it was there in December of '03!! P


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By seb schulherr (Extraordinary BonaireTalker - Post #1532) on Sunday, May 9, 2004 - 10:16 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Freddie, I'm so glad it's back! I thought another one had bit the dust for good.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Carole Baker (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #3426) on Sunday, May 9, 2004 - 1:02 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Very interesting! I don't think I could "handle" it, tho....swimming amongst the jellies like that. It is beautiful and amazing to watch (at least for me) but I know I couldn't jump in with them. Interesting place, indeed. Carole


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Mermaid (BonaireTalker - Post #28) on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 1:38 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Wow, Freddie, thanks for the amazing photo!

Seb, thanks for the link. I really enjoyed reading the essay and seeing the photos there.

Debbie, thanks so much for sharing your experience. I wouldn't be diving, only snorkeling, so I really appreciate your info about the kayak trips! Sounds fantastic!


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Freddie Hughes (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #4871) on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 3:00 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

You are very are a couple more...
p P


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Carole Baker (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #3429) on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 5:49 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Fascinating! Thanks, Freddie. Carole


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Freddie Hughes (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #4873) on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 7:58 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

here are some jellies that we encountered in Roatan last week. they were about a 1/2 inch in diameter..P


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By John Stigaard (BonaireTalker - Post #87) on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 8:58 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Great pics, Freddie


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By seb schulherr (Extraordinary BonaireTalker - Post #1535) on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 9:46 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

They look like thimble jellies Freddie


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Jack R (BonaireTalker - Post #12) on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 6:33 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Jellyfish lake had some problems but has comeback stronger than every.

There is NO diving in the Carribean that will compare to palau or most of the south pacific for that matter. I know that I may get some heat from the die hard "Bonaire is the best in the world" mindset. But it is not even close to the best. However Bonaire sure is fun and I love it!

There is a great snorkel spot at the beach at the Palau pacific resort too.

My experiance snorkeling Palau was in between dives from a liveaboard. The reef is 1.5 hours boat ride from shore. For that reason snorkel bonaire will be much more convienant but that is all.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Bob Smits (BonaireTalker - Post #27) on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 8:02 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

I read statements that Palau is much better then Bonaire. Followed by advantages of diving/snorkeling in Bonaire :-)

What makes Palau better then Bonaire?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Freddie Hughes (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #4896) on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 9:17 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

IMHO I believe that Palau is #1 for the South Pacific and Bonaire is #1 for the Caribbean.. Palau is magnificent for it's fish life {large and small},it's hard and soft corals,{although I think that Yap may be the soft coral king of the world}and the diversity of the undersea animals that live there...Palau is also known for its exciting dive sites Blue Corner, Pelileu corner etc..Drift diving like you have never known it!!! Very dangerous if you let the sea have it's way..{been there done that, lost at sea for a few hours!! after a dive ,bobbing around with a group and watching the sharks circle!!}
Bonaire is of course renown for it's easy diving
The fish life on Bonaire is certainly better than other places in the Caribbean. Two weeks ago in Roatan on one dive we saw one lone Angel fish!!!! The coral on Bon is slowly recovering from natures nasty blow..In some spots it is definitely reminiscent of Palau or Yap... I guess I could go on and on as these are my two favorite places in the world.. but then there is that trip to Komodo that we are planning.......


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Bob Smits (BonaireTalker - Post #28) on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 12:03 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Did some searching on the internet.
Have not found out yet how to get from Amsterdam to Palau.
Palau looks real nice, but expensive though.
People don't get as old on Palau as they do on the netherlands antilles I noticed. Especially the mortality rate is much higher. GDP is also very low.
Saw some environmental issues to.

Must have been a horrifying experience to be in pacific, with the sharks circling around. What did you do that they stayed away? Or did you sacrifice some member of the group :-)


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Freddie Hughes (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #4897) on Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 3:27 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

lol I guess we came to the conclusion that they were black tipped reef sharks and that they wouldn't hurt us if we prayed real loud!! The group did a wrong turn underwater and the chase boat lost our bubbles... The outfit that we dove with now uses EPIRBS
We did see some poverty but not as bad as in Roatan.....

What airlines service Palau?
Continental and Air Micronesia via Honolulu, Guam and Manila.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Geologydave (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #531) on Thursday, June 3, 2004 - 2:22 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Palau is in the North Pacific, not south. 7N 135E

An epirb is useless in micronesia. your best safety gear is being in shape with advanced diving skills, a strobe and a little luck.
Almost everything you see on the reef can kill you at worst and sting you at least.

There is a range of 100 to 500 times the biodiversity in the far pacific as in the caribbean, indeed the direction of migration of almost all sealife was from the pacific to the atlantic oceans.

Other then being islands, there is no comparison between the two. It would be like compairing boot camp to a retirement home.

Prices for food and lodging are cheap on Peleliu.
$79/nite. Peleliu is the almost southernmost island of tha Palau group and is very close to the good diving. Except for the plane ticket, Palau is cheaper than Bonaire if you are diving from a boat, but then why would you ever do that??

Palauans got hooked on spam (the first one, the one in a can)after WW2 and I do believe it is killing them before their time. or maybe its all that killer weed the peace corps planted a few decades ago, maybe both now that I think about it.

Baseline: 8 bonaire trips starting in 1986 through 2002, with no plans to ever return. 4 trips to Peleliu, Palau from 1996 to present. going again in December. Hope to meet Lord Keely there in 2005.

imo Fiji is the soft coral capital not Yap, but Yap is worth a few days diving in one lifetime.

to the original question, In my opinion some advice in here was good, go to the PPR and stay in the more controlled inshore areas for some world class free diving.

Have a nice day.



Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Carole Baker (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #3589) on Thursday, June 3, 2004 - 10:21 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Geo Dave! Long time no see....good to hear from you again...I thought you became one of the casualties of the tunnel collapsing of last year.....oh my, what a disaster that fiasco was...remember?? I think Keely is still down there with a torch in hand, somewhere! LOL. Welcome back, stranger! Love the profile page, too! LOL.

What next....Keely jumping in here?? Sir Fancypants, himself? Come on, Andy...jump on in..the water's great! Carole


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Geologydave (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #532) on Friday, June 4, 2004 - 8:15 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Hello Carole, yes I've been entraped in the tunnel, with a keyboard only inches from my grasp, there was a slight tremmor yesterday and the board slid right down to me. Don't know how long the connection will last tho.

As it turns out, Keely and I trade insults via email from time to time. This morning he sent me a shocking photo of our president and Osama in a bed doing something that I'm sure is illegal, at least in the south(US).

Hope you're doing well.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Bob Smits (BonaireTalker - Post #78) on Friday, June 4, 2004 - 9:55 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Now I'm getting curious.
What tunnel are you trapped in?


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Chet Wood (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #490) on Friday, June 4, 2004 - 12:42 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Do a word search in text of messages on "tunnel" and read the first two threads:
"Car Thief Caught", &
"Kralendijk Destroyed"
L--O--N--G threads


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Carole Baker (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #3591) on Friday, June 4, 2004 - 10:56 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

L--O--N--G isn't the word for it, Chet! LOL. I hadn't realized there were any survivors down there....we'd better send down a cable for Geo Dave to grab onto and haul him the heck out of there! LOL. Boy...what luck there was another tremor and the keyboard slid down to his fingertips....what were the odds on THAT happening???!! LOL. Carole


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Geologydave (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #533) on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 8:26 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Remote odds I'd say.

And I may have been too harse saying "no plans to ever return" to Bonaire. I'm thinking of buying some waterfront property and building a new invention of mine "Dive Hoists". Picture a location like "Oil Slick" with a bunch of ramps inclined down and into the shallow reef floor. On the ramps would be "seats" which would hold a tank/bc, the seats would be hoisted from the multiple handicap parking area which I would install.

Well it sounds gosh darn good to me; pull my old bones out of the car, hobble over to a ramp, strap in, get dunked to about 25fsw and take off for a relaxing dive, then back to the GEODAVE Bonaire Dive Hoist Park.

Shoot, I'd pay about $40 bucks for that.

It would also be good at the Palau Pacific Resort(PPR) as well.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Geologydave (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #534) on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 8:37 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

and on the epirb, it would work but probably not in near enough time to prevent one from getting smashed in to the rocks of Anguar Island which is about 7 miles down stream, the current approaches 7knt on the surface, The chain of emergency communication originated in the US back to Koror, then side band marine radio, well too much time. There is a system which will provide RTK (real time kinematic) position on multiple transcevers, but I'm not aware of one designed to submerge to depth. could be wrong tho.....nah.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Bob Smits (BonaireTalker - Post #89) on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 8:43 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Maybe you should make it a bit more KOA like. With pull trough seats. Then the hobbling is not necessary.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Geologydave (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #535) on Monday, June 7, 2004 - 8:49 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

Once that part of the buisness plan is established I plan to expand into "Hoist Diving Safari". Start with say 3 1000 ton cranes with 120' extension booms on a 4x4 carrage and open up the entire coastline to "Hoist Diving"

This thing has baby boomer written all over it.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Carole Baker (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #3604) on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 - 12:26 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

People are weird enuff that it just might work and take off, Dave! I can picture it all now....flashing colored lights at nightime....a dunking ferris wheel for those with a little more adventure/spirit in their blood.....this will avoid a backlog on land with folks waiting to get onto the hoist....load them onto the ferris/hoist wheel and spin them down into the waters! LOL. Carole


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Geologydave (Experienced BonaireTalker - Post #536) on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 - 9:52 am:     Edit PostPrint Post

I thought of a wheel, something like a skilift type thing, Carole, then I saw a bunch of old divers piled up in a hideous "dive wheel" accident. What a vision!

No, think its best to stick with one diver, one hoist (or crane).


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of page Link to this message  By Carole Baker (Supreme BonaireTalker - Post #3609) on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 - 7:29 pm:     Edit PostPrint Post

Aw, could've been interesting to see how it would've unfolded! Or collapsed. LOL. Carole


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